I love Griffin: He's my cuddler - the one who climbs his 35 pounds on to my lap and would stay there forever if I kept petting him. He's also a doofus (see photo). He recently discovered that he can jump into the gliding rocking chair in our living room. He seems to especially love lying there because our other dog is too scared to deal with The Chair That Moves, making Griffin king of the chair. Griff starts every morning by stepping out of his crate, stretching and "roo-ooo!"-ing at us. About once a day, he goes a little bit crazy, races around on our slippery hardwood floors, and then ends his crazy running by slamming himself into his crate and lying down. Yup, he's awesome.

I love Morgan: She is our bitchy princess, and we love her for it. She acts so entitled sometimes that all you can do is laugh. If she could roll her eyes at us, I'm sure she would. She's our first and she always will be. My favorite thing about Morgan is when she goes into herding-dog mode. She is so infectiously happy when she is running free that she can make just about anyone smile. It's that true doggy joy - and it makes her smile too. This photo is from last summer, taken on my crappy camera phone, but is one of my favorite photos of her ever because you can see how ridiculously happy she is to be at the dog park.
I'm sure this is not my last dog-related post. I am a true dog person, down to the core of my being.
I need to meet your dogs!! We should definitely have a dog park date. There's something about the dog park that makes me so happy...watching all the dogs run and play with their "true doggy joy" (perfect way to describe it!). I especially love how it wears my dog out so he's too tired to be a rascal the rest of the day!