Good Earth's "hook" is that the majority of the food they serve is organic and/or naturally raised. They also strive to get food from local farms when they can. In other words, Michael Pollan approved. This is a huge deal for me, because I only eat meat that is naturally and humanely raised. For most restaurants, that means I'm a vegetarian, but at Good Earth I can pick anything on the menu with a clear conscience. Restaurant food without guilt is pretty frickin' great.
They also have the *best* soups. Every winter, around Christmas time, they have this wild rice & mushroom soup on special that is to-die-for. I actually end up eating there at least three times every December because I love this soup so much. They also have a fantastic corn chowder every fall.
At every other restaurant, I have a favorite entree that I order every time, no matter what. But at Good Earth, there are so many tasty, healthy options that I rarely order the same thing. Sometimes it's soup & sandwich, sometimes a quesadilla, sometimes stir fry, sometimes pizza - it's all really good.
And let's not forget the tea. Good Earth has their own signature tea (Good Earth Original) - you can buy it at the grocery store but for some reason, it tastes 10x better when you drink it at the restaurant. I'm guessing it has something to do with the way it is steeped and/or the ingredients being fresher but I have no idea. I just know it is awesome.
Finally, I love Good Earth because it's great for a one-on-one tea & cookies date with your BFF, dinner with a group of ten, or a much-needed solo lunch during finals. So yeah, if you ever need a date for a trip to Good Earth, give me a call. :)
Can you believe I've NEVER been to Good Earth? I know, right? I propose a study date sometime in the near future...