I don't typically fall in love with products. It's not that I'm against buying things, it's just that I'm much more likely to gush about a song, or a moment, or a friend (or honestly, usually my dogs). Honestly, I don't really even like Sex & the City. I'm just not *that* girl. So I shocked myself a bit when I realized that today I felt like writing about not just any product, but a relatively expensive set of department store products. The truth is, if something is brand-name or expensive, it takes even more to impress me. The cost-benefit ratio really has to be there for me to get on board. Despite this, Clinique has managed to impress me.
A little back story - I've struggled with low level acne since I was 14. It never got to the level where I was put on prescription medications, and many, many family members had struggled with acne so I blamed genetics. Over time I eventually accepted that I would have a permanent zit on my chin and would never be someone with "good skin." I tried various over-the-counter brands in numerous forms - washes, creams, toners, scrubs, masks, you name it. Most of these products rely on either salicyclic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
And then I got pregnant. And after a little research, found that both salicyclic acid and benzoyl peroxide are best avoided when pregnant. They fall into "category B," which for the uninitiated means "we don't know if it has any negative effects on the fetus because we haven't done any decent studies yet." The vast majority of drugs fall into this category. So anyhow, some doctors advise you to avoid salicyclic acid and benzoyl peroxide, and some don't.
After realizing every product I owned contained one of these ingredients, I decided I'd at least need some decent make-up to cover up all of the zits my crazy hormones would soon be producing. Off I went to the Clinique counter at Rosedale. As part of the "consultation," the saleswoman raved about their 3-step skin care system. I assume they have some kind of commission system for their salespeople, but I somehow allowed myself to be talked into spending $60 on three products - Liquid Facial Soap, Clarifying Lotion 4 (why they call this toner liquid a "lotion," I'm not quite sure), and the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. I NEVER do that kind of thing. Ask my family, I'm cheap. :)

But now, of course, I am SO glad that I spent that $60. In less than 48 hours, my face felt better to the touch and was lots less oily. And now, about a month later, I have gone two weeks without one active zit. Seriously, this hasn't happened since elementary school. It's amazing how much better it feels to not need concealer every single day. I'll admit, however, that part of the reason I think the products have been effective is that because I spent so much, I feel obligated to actually use all three products twice a day, every single day. But I don't really care why it works - I'm just glad it does. I was also worried I'd be stuck restocking these products pretty regularly but as you can see from the photo (taken today), you can hardly even tell I've used anything after nearly a month.
So yeah, two thumbs-up Clinique. And no, they are definitely not paying me - I wish! Then I'd be getting this stuff for free. :)
hello there. i am in the exact same boat as you. i have had acne on and off for the last 5 years (ironically my skin was great in high school). anyway, i just started using clinique's 3 step system. i'm loving it! i'm about 2 months in, and have been able to see the biggest difference.
ReplyDeleteanyway, i just found that i'm pregnant. like you, i didn't want to use anything that would be potentially harmful. i looked at the ingredient list on all 3 products, and couldn't see benzole peroxide or salicylic acid in any of them.
the 3-step system is okay to use, right? did the clinique lady you talked to confirm that that none of these products have benzole peroxide or salicylic acid in them?
i know i'm a complete stranger. i googled clinique 3-step system and found your blog. i'm glad i did - sounds like we're in similar situations.
any information you have would be totally appreciated! email me at: tripleA826 at hotmail dot com